British Antarctic Survey News

25 Apr 2024

Emperor penguin colonies in Antarctica suffer as sea-ice diminishes

Emperor penguin colonies in Antarctica suffer as sea-ice diminishes: 10010187 Emperor penguins Aptenodytes forsteri) on the sea ice close to Halley Research Station on the Brunt Ice Shelf. Credit Christopher Walton cropped

*Embargoed until 00:01 BST (UK time) on Thursday 25 April 

Research published on World Penguin Day, 25 April 

Record low levels of Antarctic sea-ice in late 2023 resulted in breeding failures in a fifth of the continent’s emperor penguin colonies, according to a new study from British Antarctic Survey (BAS).  

With 14 of 66 colonies and tens of thousands of penguins affected, the finding is not as severe as the 2022 season, in which 19 colonies — almost 30% — were impacted, but there is an increasing trend of colonies losing chicks as a result of ice-loss before the end of the breeding cycle, with 2023 the second worst year since the observations began in 2018.  

Emperor penguins breed and raise their chicks on land-fast sea ice – stable sea ice that is firmly attached to the shore. If this ice breaks up too early, the chicks go into the sea before they grow their waterproof feathers — known as fledging. This leads to high, or sometimes total, chick mortality at the colony.  

Group of emperor penguins and chicks Peter Fretwell, BAS

Emperor penguins breed on land-fast sea ice. Peter Fretwell, BAS.

Current predictions suggest that in scenarios in which greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise at current levels, the population of emperor penguins will fall by 99% by the end of the century, leading to the virtual extinction of this charismatic animal. 

The study, published today on World Penguin Day (Thursday 25 April) in the journal Antarctic Science, uses satellite data from the Copernicus Programme’s Sentinel-2, and reveals the extent of the impact of early sea ice breakup on the penguins’ breeding cycle.  

Author of the study, Dr Peter Fretwell, who studies wildlife from space and is a Geographic Information Officer at BAS, says:  

“As the continent warms we are seeing the ice break out earlier, leading to higher chick mortality. With fewer chicks surviving at many colonies, it is likely that over time a number of current breeding sites will become untenable, and the overall population will decline. This is a future that our climate models predict.” 

A pair of emperor penguin chicks Peter Fretwell, BAS

Emperor penguins breed the furthest south of any penguin species, forming large colonies on the sea-ice surrounding the Antarctic continent. Peter Fretwell, BAS.

Although 2023 had a lower sea-ice extent than 2022 in all months of the breeding season except December, the number of sea-ice break-up events was not as high as in 2022, and therefore the detrimental impact on emperor penguin breeding success was less than predicted. 

Several colonies that were badly affected in 2022 also showed adaptations, with some moving home to find more stable ice and some breeding on icebergs or ice shelves. 

Dr Fretwell says:  

“The fact that we are seeing these adaptations in the worst affected colonies gives us some hope that the birds can react to their changing environment and move to find more stable ice. It also seems that overall sea-ice concentration levels do not always translate to early fast ice break-up at the colonies, with more subtle regional factors, such as the persistence of El Niño and La Niña cycles also play an important part.” 

Emperor penguin chicks on a hill Peter Fretwell, BAS

Emperor penguins evolved their unusual winter breeding to allow their chicks to be independent at a time when food is most plentiful. Peter Fretwell, BAS.

The Copernicus Programme’s Sentinel-2 satellite passes the Antarctic coastline around once a week and its archive stretches back six years to 2018. Its data is free to access and download.  

Over the last seven years, spring and summer sea-ice extent in all seasons around Antarctica have fallen significantly, with four of the lowest sea-ice extent minima recorded since 2016. The years 2022 and 2023 had record low summer sea-ice extents and represent the first in the satellite record (1979–2023) during which the area of Antarctic sea ice dropped below 2 million km2.  

As part of the paper published today, a new map of emperor penguin colony locations for 2023 has been released for Google Earth.  


Contact Information

Emily Neville

Notes to editors

Notes to Editors   

Images and video of emperor penguins can be found here:    

About Wildlife from Space

Many populations of wildlife are remote, inaccessible or difficult to monitor. The advent of sub-metre, Very-High-Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery may enable us study these animals in a much more efficient way. 

Over the past decade, BAS scientists have led investigations using satellite technology to identify, count and monitor different species in Antarctica and elsewhere. We have tested the capability of new satellites, applied bespoke methods to different species and developed automated counting techniques using Artificial Intelligence. These innovative developments have led to breakthroughs in the understanding of distribution and population trends, and increased uptake of the new technology by many other institutions and academics. 

About British Antarctic Survey   

The British Antarctic Survey strives to uncover the secrets of the Polar Regions and the frozen regions of the Earth. Our expertise spans the depths of the oceans to the inner edge of space.    

Our research highlights the fragility of the Earth’s frozen environments, and what that means for our planet. We have been living and working in the extremes of Antarctica and the Arctic for over 60 years. Our scientists discovered the hole in the ozone layer and identified key evidence for climate change in ancient ice – our science continues to inform decision-makers. We provide the UK’s national polar capability by operating research stations, aircraft and Royal Research Ship Sir David Attenborough, supporting science at the poles and securing the UK’s presence in Antarctic affairs.   
The British Antarctic Survey is part of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). NERC is part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).